Transparency Seal
DepEd, Division of Capiz compliance with Sec. 93. Transparency Seal R.A. No. 10633 Provision, of the General Appropriations Act FY 2014.
- Agency's Mandates, Vision, Mission and List of Officials
- Mandate, Vision, Mission
- Directory of Officials
- Citizen's Charter
- Annual Financial Reports
- Statement of Allotment, Obligation, and Balances (SAOB)
- MOOE Allocations of Elementary and Non-Ius Secondary Schools
- Report of Income and Disbursement
- 2020
- Physical Report of Operations/Physical Plan
- 2020
- Financial Report of Operations
- 2020
- DBM Approved Budget and Targets
- FAR 5 | FAR 4 | FAR 3
- BFAR 2020 | BFAR 2019 |BFAR 2018
- GAA FY 2020 | NEP 2021
- Projects, Programs and Activities, Beneficiaries, and Status of Implementation
- Comic-Strip Making Contest
- Adopt A School Program
- Recipient of E-Textbook Batch 2018-01
- Deped Computerization Program (DCP)
- School Building With Computer Laboratory Rooms
- ALS Enrolment for CY 2018
- Gawad SIKLAB
- School Based Feeding Program (SBFP)
- Annual Procurement Plan, Contracts awarded and the name of contractors/suppliers/consultants
- Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGeps) – DepEd
- Annual Procurement Plan
- Contracts Awarded
- System of Ranking Delivery Units and Individuals
- Agency Review and Compliance Procedure of Statements and Financial Disclosures
- DepEd Freedom of Information (FOI) Manual